
Showing posts from February, 2010


Well, it doesn't help for it to be that time of the month. You can never accurately figure out if you've truly gained or lost anything :) Yucky bloating got me down. So I exercised and drank gallons of water today!

Wedding bells & dress sizes.

I must confess, although I try not to think about it too often, that I am in two weddings this summer. So being a bridesmaid is some motivation. Funny enough though I don't really care about what size I have to pick out for the dresses. I am more interested in being healthy and also having fun at the weddings. It's great not to be hung up on how I look. I'm so grateful that I get to participate in these weddings. It's truly an honor. I look forward, with much hope, to fitting a smaller size by my birthday. This June 3rd I turn 30. Wouldn't it be fun to lose 30 by 30? We'll see. For now I am just committed to getting through the here and now. Eating well. Consistently Exercising. Taking my vitamins and medicine. Drinking water. And trying to think more positively. I think your attitude and your positive or negative thoughts make a HUGE difference!


I got started with the weight machines at the YMCA. They, the trainers, set your range of motion and help you figure out the appropriate weights. They also show you the appropriate way to use the machines so that you don't injure yourself. I've always loved strength training so this was fun. I was able to push myself even farther today on the elliptical. I went an extra 5 minutes. I'm building endurance. And in case I fail to mention... My clothes are feeling LOOSER!!! Woo-hoo.


We became members of the Y (YMCA) yesterday. Because of our financial situation we qualified for their Open Doors Scholarship. I am excited to be able to have a place to exercise that also has child care. Mike and I went tonight. I worked my butt off... quite literally. My legs and rear were shaking after I was done with the work-out... not looking forward to the next couple of days... Ouch! Maybe swimming next time is in order?!