
Showing posts from 2009

The bare truth.

Emotional eating is a huge struggle for me. I feel like I'm doing fine coping with all the stress of my life... dealing with anxiety and at times panic and depression... but I'm not. How am I coping with it? I'm eating. I'm eating through the pain. Eating through the sadness. Eating through the loneliness. Eating through the regret and then I'm loathing. I loathe myself for doing this. I don't want to overeat. The problem is I don't even feel "full". I never even feel stuffed. I feel like I could just keep eating and eating and eating. It makes me so mad. I can do really well and exercise and take my vitamins and drink water. I can be sure to eat a large salad with tons of fresh vegetables and a delicious balanced breakfast, etc... but when it all comes down to it I will eat the wrong things later as an attempt to satiate the pain inside me. I will eat the goodies and sweets that I know are calorie loaded. It breaks my heart. this


With all the food, mostly sugar, of the holidays I've been probably gaining pounds this holiday instead of losing. Sigh. I am addicted to sugar. Truth be told. There it is. Sugar is such a weak spot spot for me. I love cookies and all the holiday sweets.. the delicious fudge and assortment of pies and treats. It's bad. So, I'm just going to let myself accept, that yes, I've had sugar and in a few days it will be time to flush and detox it all out of my system. With so many detox diets and systems where does one start? I've been pregnant or nursing so long that I've been hardly had time to do a detox. Do you start with a liver detox or colon? Or just eliminate sugar? Do you do a food detox or just use supplements? All I know for sure is that I want to drink a ton of water and pump out all the crap that's in me. So I'm praying that God would show me a healthy way to purge all the junk and clean out my system. Do you know any good detoxes? What do yo

My favorite exercise.

My new favorite DVD is Prevention Fitness Systems: The Sugar Solution "Get Moving" by Chris Freytag Based on the best-selling book The Sugar Solution! Get Movings low-impact program includes cardio, upper-body toning, lower-body strengthening, core building, and yoga. Mix and match these routines for a shorter workout or do them all in one day. I'm not familiar with the Sugar Solution diet, etc. but I love this DVD. It's actually my mom's but I've borrowed it from her and just love it. I can choose whether I want to do 20 or 30 minutes a day and it allows me to choose either and upper & lower body toning work-out. Upper/core. Lower/Core. Walking work-out. Or yoga. So it breaks it up for me. It has different days listed and you can pick which work-out you want to do. All that to say it's a nice way to mix up your work-out. Cardio or Strength Training or Yoga. Very nice. I've been working out 3-4 times a week faithfully for the past month! Y


I'm usually a very good water drinker... but lately, I haven't been. For whatever reason I haven't been able to drink enough water. And the dehydration has been playing havoc on my body. I had a massage on Monday (yes, i am blessed) but forgot to drink enough water yesterday and am hurting today. All those toxins going and being released in my body. I just threw away a bunch of nasty old plastic mis-matched water bottles but I need to get something to drink from and having a bottle usually helps me. I also am finding winter doesn't make me feel as thirsty as normal. Sad to say as well I've been drinking other beverages rather than water. And I think I'm eating when I'm thirsty... my body isn't picking up the thirsty signal and thinks falsely that it's hungry. So how do you drink water? what motivates you?

A New Start.

The kids are throwing pillows at each other. I've just finished another work-out and find their energy exceeds mine by ten-fold. I have been thinking lately about my struggles with eating, exercise, self-indulgence, self-control, etc. and thought maybe it best to write about it. To kind of get it out of my system. I've heard the best way to lose weight is by having some kind of accountability. So if I have accountability with myself and with others.. and if I write down what I'm doing and what I'm not doing... well, maybe it will help. I have read over the years and have been encouraged with the verses of Psalm 139:14 -being fearfully and wonderfully made. Psalm 139 For the director of music. Of David. A psalm. 1 O LORD, you have searched me and you know me. 2 You know when I sit and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar. 3 You discern my going out and my lying down; you are familiar with all my ways. 4 Before a word is on my tongu