New Beginnings.

Well, I joined Weight Watchers December 31st. I am so excited! Weight Watchers just started a new program. It's called Points Plus. It's very well-rounded. It takes into account protein, fiber, fat & carbs. But it makes it easy! I like it because it's all about eating healthfully and being active. It's a lifestyle change not just some fad diet.

Several people I know are thinking about or already have joined! I'm so psyched.

I'm looking forward to doing something good for myself that will in turn benefit everyone around me. I will have more energy! I want to be around for those I love... I want to take care of my body.

So between God's help with Weight Watchers and taking Zumba at the YMCA... look out :) A whole new me is arriving with this New Year!


  1. good for you girl!! im in the same boat, working hard to loose those pounds. here's to a healthier, a thinner, a more God-is-glorified-with-my-body 2011! xoxo

  2. Good for you Jen! I got a Wii Fit Plus bundle with some Christmas money, so I have my work ahead of me :) I'm not joining Weight Watchers, but I'm definately cutting back on the bad stuff and trying to eat more of the good stuff instead! Yay!

  3. Good for you!! I am doing it also. Can't wait to see and hear how God shows himself faithful!


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