Oh man. I didn't eat great this past week. a combination of not drinking enough water... eating sugar which triggered more eating and especially craving sugar.... and pure exhaustion.

I didn't get to go to a WW meeting because I was busy on Friday taking Samuel to radiation and then CHKD. So I need to go get weighed and see what the "damage" is.

I don't even feel motivated to change. I just want to eat sugar and sleep. I'm so tired and so emotional and weary. It's hard to fight my feelings. It's hard to take time for myself. No chance to exercise. Blah blah blah.

Well, today is a new day. And this is the point of WW... it's there to help keep me accountable and encourage me to change and learn moderation and discipline. It's not a diet. It's a lifestyle. And this is my reality... there will be ups and downs and it's OKAY!!!

So, to get back on the horse...


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