
When out of control the best thing to avoid being around is cupcakes.

My emotions ran away for the past two weeks. Between my brother's wedding, Valentine's Day, and Samuel's birthday.... and all the emotions of the events... well, let's just say I fell off the horse.

So now I'm getting back in the saddle. I didn't plan to fail but without a plan I did fail. So now I am coming up with a plan.

It's funny how when you're disciplined everything seems to fall in line... you drink your water, eat well, exercise, get sleep.

But somehow when you don't sleep, you eat more sugar, stop drinking water... It just all falls apart.

The good thing is I realize how much my perfectionism plays into this. I was so upset that I missed a couple of days of journaling what i ate and drank that I decided to just not mess up my book by not having it in order... that I just stopped journaling. Crazy me. I'd rather have a messy journal than a messed up plan... But anyway. I thought I was in control.

And now I'm realizing that "control" is just an illusion. I can't do this apart from God.

I thought I was doing this on my own... making good choices.. self-control, etc. But now I see that's not it. It's really God enabling me. It's humbling but it's also a great reminder that I am completely dependent on Him. I can't do this apart from Him.

So I've gained 3 pounds in about two weeks. But really considering what I was eating and my lack of exercise I'm surprised it's not more.

My plan this week is to journal what I eat and familiarize myself with e-tools online (WW). I think this will help me get set. And this beautiful weather is affording some outdoor play time... and exercise! Yay!

So, I'm letting go of my perfectionistic thing and recognizing I'm human. I make mistakes. I mess up. But I'm not givingup. Just see it as pushing my reset button....Here we go!


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