
I'm usually a very good water drinker... but lately, I haven't been. For whatever reason I haven't been able to drink enough water. And the dehydration has been playing havoc on my body. I had a massage on Monday (yes, i am blessed) but forgot to drink enough water yesterday and am hurting today. All those toxins going and being released in my body.

I just threw away a bunch of nasty old plastic mis-matched water bottles but I need to get something to drink from and having a bottle usually helps me. I also am finding winter doesn't make me feel as thirsty as normal. Sad to say as well I've been drinking other beverages rather than water. And I think I'm eating when I'm thirsty... my body isn't picking up the thirsty signal and thinks falsely that it's hungry.

So how do you drink water? what motivates you?


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